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Top Shareware CategoriesTop 10 sale best shareware categories shareware is downloaded popular, some shareware is saled popular, some category has no one sale best shareware in top 200, but some category has tens of software that sale best. Top1: Multimedia & Design:Video Top2: Desktop Enhancements:Screensavers Top3: Utilities:System Utilities Top4: Utilities:Security & Encryption Top5: Utilities:File & Disk Management Top6: Internet:Email Top7: Games:Puzzles Top8: Games Top9: Audio:Rippers & Encoders Top10: Games:Strategy & War From above, we know that more shareware about Multimedia & Design:Video and Audio:Rippers & Encoders sale more; second is the shareware related to Desktop Enhancements: Screensavers; next is utilities shareware including System Utilities, Security & Encryption and File & Disk Management; email software also sale more, the game software special Puzzles and Strategy & War sale best. Sale Tips and sale ideas
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